Security Advantage
CLOUD SECURITY believes in giving everyone a peace of mind - SECURITY.
Products & Solutions
Introducing the CLOUD SECURITY suite of products.
CLOUD SECURITY is an emerging brand, recognized in the cloud computing industry.

Deciding to Enter the Cloud
Questions to ask the Cloud Provider before Moving to the Cloud
Benefits of Moving to the Cloud
What You Need to Know About the Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Mobile Workers and the Cloud
Security Decisions and Habits Once in the Cloud
The Cloud is about People
The Physical Location of Your Cloud Matters
Compilance in the Cloud
The Cloud Means Change
What is cloud security?
According to Connecticut IT support , cloud security is the protection of your IT assets stored within a cloud computing environment.
Cloud computing involves using IT services provided by an external vendor known as a cloud service provider over the Internet. It is easier and more convenient for IT users to access IT services without having to install additional software or hardware on their computers. The majority of new businesses, especially start-ups, are now opting for cloud services because of these benefits.
Although this shift towards cloud computing will allow you to reduce costs and improve productivity, it also means that your IT assets are no longer stored locally but on the servers of an external company which you have no control over. With recently reported cases of large companies losing sensitive data after hackers broke into their IT systems, IT experts recommend that IT users perform a thorough cloud security audit before moving any IT assets into a cloud environment.
To ensure your IT assets are protected from unauthorized access when stored in the cloud, IT experts recommend the following:
– Perform regular backup of all IT data to avoid losing valuable information if hackers manage to break into your system.
– Make sure only relevant people within your company have access to your IT resources and services. This is especially important for large companies with thousands of employees because lack of internal controls may mean an increased risk of cyber attacks and sensitive information being stolen by hackers. IT experts recommend IT managers set up a cloud security policy to define who should have access to IT resources and define clear usage guidelines for employees.
– IT experts also advise IT users to inspect their contracts with cloud service providers carefully before signing because these agreements may include clauses which allow the cloud service provider to retain ownership rights over your IT assets stored in their system, even after you cancel your cloud services agreement.
New Jersey IT support providers also recommend that IT users implement advanced security measures within their systems to protect all IT assets from unauthorized access by hackers. Some of the most commonly used advanced security measures for IT environments include virtual private network (VPN) connectivity, anti-virus protection, cyber threat intelligence monitoring and data encryption.
Different services for cloud security?
IT service providers offer a wide range of IT services to secure your IT assets stored in the cloud.
– IT security audits: IT auditing companies will conduct a thorough IT audit and review all IT systems before you make a decision to move any IT assets into the cloud. They will also provide advice on which IT services you should use to protect your IT environment from unauthorized access by hackers once it is moved into the cloud.
– Cloud security assessments: Similar to IT audits, cloud security assessments are an essential part of ensuring that your company’s data is safe when it leaves your own network. This ensures that sensitive information only flows to authorized users and remains under strict control otherwise private or confidential information could be exposed to unauthorised individuals or fall into the wrong hands.
– IT security solutions: IT service providers offer a wide range of IT security services including cloud access security brokers (CASBs) and enterprise digital rights management (EDRMs). A CASB is an IT solution that establishes a connection between your company’s cloud storage and on-premise IT assets to ensure all data transferred between these two IT environments is kept safe from unauthorised users. An EDRM locks down information so only authorized individuals can access it, while also ensuring that the content cannot be altered or copied without permission once it has been shared with relevant recipients.
Can you train someone at your business to learn cloud security?
Yes. IT experts offer advanced cloud security training courses to help IT users learn how to protect their IT assets once they are moved into the cloud. IT service providers usually train IT professionals and IT managers on topics like:
– Introduction to cloud computing and the advantages of using this IT services model
– The differences between public, private and hybrid clouds
– Security policies for cloud environments
– How to implement an effective cloud access security broker (CASB) within your company’s IT environment. This is a software solution that establishes a connection between your company’s IT systems and any third parties’ or business associates’ cloud storage so you can monitor all data transferred between these two IT environments, ensuring your sensitive information remains safe at all times.
– IT security best practices for businesses moving IT assets into the cloud
– IT asset management policies for IT systems stored in cloud environments. This ensures that IT managers know which IT assets should be moved into the cloud and how to handle them once they have been migrated.
Could you get fined if not following cloud security procedures?
Yes, companies can get fined if they don’t follow information security guidelines when using IT services to store or transfer their data. Many countries have strict breach notification laws which require companies to inform the relevant supervisory authority, usually a governmental body, whenever a data breach occurs within their IT environment. In some countries this law also applies to companies who suffer a data breach after transferring IT infrastructure to a third party’s IT environment, like a cloud IT service provider.
What are the benefits of IT to cloud security?
The IT industry is considered one of the most lucrative career choices for IT professionals thanks to its high standards of IT education and rapid-paced nature. IT companies offer different types of IT jobs including software development, network management, data science and information security, just to name a few. Cloud security is another exciting area that offers excellent job prospects for IT experts who want to work in one of the world’s fastest growing IT sectors at some point in their careers. The IT industry also offers fantastic training opportunities for those who are interested in learning how to protect an enterprise’s valuable data once it leaves the company’s own IT infrastructure to be stored or processed in a third party’s IT systems.